do dinosaurs dream of prehistoric sheep?

journal entries

welcome to the journal! this is where i'll be posting my works in progress, general life updates, and my thoughts on just about anything art-related that strikes my fancy. please look forward to my ramblings!

entries are sorted from newest to oldest.

a wild time at nostalgiacon!

a little recap of my biggest con trip yet, full of nightmare flights and dream opportunities!

posted 06·05·24 | reading time: 12 min


the site's unofficial mascots?!

infodumping introducing the two little guys seen all over the site!

posted 03·27·24 | reading time: 4 min


WIP of the week: dog studies

talking about my mischevious pets, and sharing some old sketches of my dog jake.

posted 03·13·24 | reading time: 3 min


WIP of the week: precure chibis!

attempting a series where i post one work-in-progress every week! check out some potential precure merch!

posted 03·06·24 | reading time: 6 min


journal icebreaker!

my first journal entry! let's talk about life, my art career(?), and why i made a website.

posted 02·29·24 | reading time: 5 min